Selamat Datang ke blog Yingqi!

25 07 2008

Welcome to Yingqi’s blog!

Chan Mali Chan

25 07 2008

It’s been fun blogging, though tiring coz I’m churning out the last part of my previous entry last minute (Cikgu Sew: “No wonder so many errors!” haha :P) Anyway, to liven things up, I started listening to songs and found myself singing to Chan Mali Chan – my team and I sang this song when we were having cultural exchange during our OCIP trip to Vietnam, so it has added significance and now I’m going to remember it even better after unravelling the meaning to the song 🙂

PS: I’ve added this cute video to enhance your appreciation of the song, just look at the children, haha!

Chan Mali Chan

Di mana dia, anak kambing saya?   Where is she, my little lamb?

Anak kambing saya yang makan daun talas   My little lamb which eats taro leaves

Di mana dia, buah hati saya?   Where is she, my sweetheart?

Buah hati saya bagai telur dikupas   My sweetheart [skin] is like a peeled egg

Chan mali chan, chan mali chan
Chan mali chan, ketipung payung   (ketipung payung = term of endearment)
Chan mali chan, chan mali chan
Chan mali chan, ketipung payung

Di mana dia, anak kambing tuan?    Where is she, sir’s little lamb?
Anak kambing tuan di atas jambatan   Sir’s little lamb is above the bridge
Yang mana dia bunga pujaan?   Which idol flower is she?
Si bunga tanjung dihujung dahan   (Bunga tanjung = term of endearment) at branch’s edge

Chan mali chan, chan mali chan
Chan mali chan, ketipung payung
Chan mali chan, chan mali chan
Chan mali chan, ketipung payung


However, I realise that one cannot take the words (and their meaning) in the song literally, haha. Visit this site for more in-depth literary analysis:

Peribahasa dan 华文成语与谚语

22 07 2008

As I was learning the Malay sayings, chinese idioms & proverbs of similar meanings came to mind and after encouragement from Cikgu during class to blog about how bahasa Melayu relates to our mother tongue, I’ve decided to give it a try! (Not forgetting my mother tongue even as I pick up another language 😉 )

Bapa borek, anak rintik (got this inspiration from Kit Lee's drawing)

Bapa borek, anak rintik

(Photograph source – URL:

1. Bapa borek, anak rintik 有其父必有其子

 Zukifli suka berjudi kerana bapanya kaki judi, umpama bapa borek, anak rintik.   志林跟他的爸爸一样好赌,正所谓有其父必有其子。

2. Air dicincang tidak akan putus

Kakak Ismail terus menampungnya apabila dia muflis kerana air dicincang tidak akan putus. Ismail’s sister continued to support him when he was bankrupt because blood is thicker than water.

3. Meludah ke langit (timpa ke muka sendiri) / Ludah ke langit, timpa batang hidung sendiri 自作自受 ; 损人不利己

Sikapnya jahat terhadap orang lain bagai meludah ke langit, kerana sekarang tidak ada orang mahu menolong dia apabila dia perlu pertolongan.   他平日以恶劣的态度待人,所以现在需要帮助时却没人帮忙,简直是自作自受。

4. Musuh di dalam selimut   日防夜防,家贼难防   (Often used against unfaithful wives >> so unfair! How about unfaithful husbands? Well, I guess they seldom are, coz they get to have many wives :P)

Dia sedar musuh di dalam selimut hanya apabila bapa saudaranya ditangkap kerana menggelapkan wang syarikat keluarganya. 她的舅舅是这次私用公款案件里的罪魁祸首,实在是日防夜防,家贼难防。

5. Retak menanti belah

Ibu Hakim terus memaksa dia belajar setiap hari dan dia mengalami banyak tekanan, dia seperti retak menanti belah.   Hakim’s mother keeps pressurizing him to study everyday and he is under so much stress, he is like a crack awaiting to split.

6. Tertawa bagai batu roboh 捧腹大笑;哄堂大笑

Rancangan komedi menyebabkan saya tertawa bagai batu roboh.  

7. Masuk bakul angkat sendiri 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸

Dia suka masuk bakul angkat sendiri dan/dengan memberitahu orang lain tentang kemenangannya di peraduan-peraduan. 他喜欢向别人炫耀他在各项比赛中获得了第一名,真是老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。

8. Apa lagi sawa? Ia berkehendak ayamlah

Awak tidak membenarkan Ivan yang tamak menjaga makanan awak, kerana apa lagi sawa kalau bukan ayam.   You cannot allow greedy Ivan to keep your food, because he’s like a python tasked with a chicken. 

9. Telan mati emak, ludah mati bapak 进退两难

Apabila Miriam sebagai ibu tunggal memutuskan untuk menggugurkan kandungan atau tidak, dia terasa seperti telan mati emak, ludah mati bapak. 玛丽由于是个单身妈妈,所以在选择要不要堕胎时,感到进退两难。

10. Ibarat kaca jatuh ke batu

Apabila dia sedar kawannya yang terbaik telah mengkhianati dia, dalam hatinya ibarat kaca jatuh ke batu.   When she realised her best friend had betrayed her, it was like glass falling on rock in her heart.

11. Biar lambat asal selamat 欲速则不达

Saya tidak mahu berlari dalam hujan walaupun saya hampir lambat, kerana biar lambat asal selamat.   所谓欲速则不达,虽然我快要迟到了,我也不想在雨中跑。

12. Bunga bukan sekaki, kumbang bukan seekor

Bunga bukan sekaki, kumbang bukan seekor, jangan menangis sebab awak boleh mencari seorang teman wanita baru. There is more than one fish in the sea, so don’t cry because you can find a new girlfriend.

13. Ayam hitam terbang malam

Kehilangan budak perempuan bagai ayam hitam terbang malam kerana tidak ada kesannya.   The disappearance of the young girl is like a black fowl flying by night because there was no trace of her whereabouts.

14. Ayam bertelur sebiji riuh sekampung 自吹自擂 (ORIGINAL: Penyu bertelur beribu-ribu seorang pun tak tahu, ayam bertelur sebiji peca khabar sebuah negeri The turtle lays its eggs by the thousands and no one knows of it; the chicken lays one egg and breaks the news to the nation)

Dia dipuji oleh pengurusnya sahaja, tetapi dia memberitahu semua rakan sekerjanya, umpama ayam bertelur riuh sekampung. 他只不过是被老板提拔了,他便向同事们自吹自擂了一整天,真叫人厌烦。

15. Ayam putih terbang siang 黑白分明

Kes ini bagai ayam putih terbang siang, kita tidak perlu menyiasat lagi. 这件案子根本就是黑白分明,我们无需再调查了。

16. Ayam terlepas, tangan bawa tahi (A. Traditionally said of someone who is jilted B. Describes a situation where carefully laid plans are blown asunder, leaving a messy aftermath)

Tidak hanya kekasih Bruce hilang, dia meninggalkan dengan wangnya, umpama ayam terlepas, tangan bawa tahi.   Not only did Bruce’s lover disappear, she left with his money, just like the chicken who escapes, leaving shit in the hand. 

17. Mati ayam, mati tungaunya 唇亡齿寒

Semua ahli kumpulan muzik sangat risau apabila pemimpinnya masuk hospital, kerana mati ayam, mati tungaunya.  All the music band members were very worried when their conductor was hospitalized as a fowl dies its ticks perish too.

18. Kacang lupakan kulit 忘恩负义 (said of those who are embarrassed with their humble origins)

Janganlah kita bersikap kacang lupakan kulit tetapi memberikan penghormatan kepada ibu bapa kita.   We should not behave like the bean forgetting its pod but honour our parents. 我们做人不能忘恩负义,但要饮水思源,而为此尊重我们的父母亲。

19.Mencurah air di daun keladi 马耳东风

Ibu Ali sangat sedih kerana kata-katanya ke atas Ali seperti mencurah air di daun keladi. 母亲对阿里说的每一句话如马耳东风,她为此感到十分难过。

20. Pinang dibelah dua 半斤八两

Pasangan itu seperti pinang dibelah dua kerana mereka saling menyerupai.   The couple is like two halves of a betel nut because they look like each other.

21. Pagar makan padi

Perbuatan bapa yang membunuh seluruh keluarga umpama pagar makan padi.   The action of the father who killed his entire family is like the fence eating the rice.

22. Seperti aur dengan tebing 唇齿相依   (similar to… seperti dakwat dengan kertas like ink and paper; hilang tukul, hilanglah pahat lose the hammer and you lose the chisel too)

Saya suka hidup di kampung kerana di sini semua orang bergotong royong bagai aur dengan tebing. 我喜欢住在乡村里,因为村里的人都明白唇齿相依的道理,所以都有守望相助的精神。

23. Durian dengan mentimun (Meaning: A. Odd couple B. Unfair competition)

Mereka bukan pasangan baik sebab mereka memang durian dengan mentimun.   They are not a good couple because they are indeed a durian and a cucumber.

OR Perlawanan bola sepak ini antara pasukan Singapore serta pasukan Brazil seperti durian dengan mentimun, kerana pasukan Brazil pasti akan menang.  This football match between the Singapore team and Brazil team is like a durian and a cucumber, because Brazil will definitely win.


MENDAKI: Cahaya M cube

21 07 2008

I found this cube while I was rummaging through the mess in my cupboard, and there’s no better timing than now to read it coz I’m learning Malay! 🙂 I received this 2 years ago when I volunteered at the opening ceremony of MENDAKI‘s learning centre: Cahaya M. I couldn’t figure out what was written on it then, and decided to keep it coz it looked interesting. Finally, I can now decipher the Malay inscriptions on the cube!!! (I sound like I’m some archaeologist who has just unearthed a historical treasure, like what happened in the Mummy)

idea + minda = ilmu       idea + mind = knowledge


“Daya imaginasi mengatasi ilmu pengetahuan.” – Albert Einstein

“Power (of) imagination overcomes knowledge.” – Albert Einstein (ORIGINAL quote: Imagination is more important than knowledge. “) 

Albert Einstein dikenali ramai sebagai seorang saintis yang paling terkemuka di dunia.

Albert Einstein was known by many as the most famous scientist in the world.


Saya boleh jadi        I’m possibly…

Pintar Gambar – Saya pandai melukis        Picture smart – I’m smart in painting

Pintar Matematik – Saya boleh mengira   Mathematics smart – I can count

Pintar Kata – Saya gemar menulis              Word smart – I like writing

Pintar Muzik – Saya suka menyanyi             Music smart – I like singing


Mengira tanpa menggunakan kalkulator                                Count without using the calculator

Main permainan papan, ‘charades’ dan permainan kekata      Play plank game, ‘charades’ and word game

Belajar satu perkataan baru setiap minggu                             Study one new word every week

Membaca abjad dari Z hingga A                                             Read alphabet from Z to A 

Belajar bertutur dalam bahasa asing                                      Learn to speak in a foreign language

Berlari-lari anak atau bersiar-siar di taman                            Jog or go for a walk in the park

Gerak-gerakkan jari kaki setiap pagi                                   Move toes every morning


Saya boleh jadi            I’m possibly…

Pintar Badan – Saya gemar bersukan                                         Body smart – I like playing sports

Pintar Alam Semulajadi – Saya suka bersiar-siar di taman      Nature smart – I like to go for a walk in the park

Pintar Orang – Saya ada ramai kawan                                          People smart – I have many friends

Pintar Diri – Saya cintakan diri sendiri                                         Self smart – I love myself


– Buku-buku dan alat permainan                       – Books and (alat = tool) games

Bengkel dan aktiviti kanak-kanak                 Workshop and children activities

– Bengkel ibu bapa                                             – Parents’ Workshop

– Program cuti sekolah                                      – School Holiday Program 

– Darmawisata                                                    – Excursions

Ayuh ikut serta dalam pelbagai kegiatan untuk seisi(?) keluarga.   Come on join in various activities for family.

Fikir bersama, Belajar bersama.    Think together, Study together.

Lokasi Kami   Our Location

Waktu Operasi – Isnin hingga Sabtu: 10am to 4pm     Operation Time – Monday to Saturday: 10am to 4pm

Talipon – 62455710     Telephone – 62455710

PINTAR BELAJAR: Teknik-teknik Ingatan   STUDY SMART: Memorization techniques

1. Gunakan PETA MINDA       Use MIND MAPS

2. Belajar melalui MNEMONIK        Study through MNEMONICS


4. Padankan dengan GAMBAR, BENTUK dan WARNA       Match with PICTURE, SHAPES and COLOUR

5. Dasarkan dengan CONTOH SENDIRI         Base with OWN EXAMPLES 


Kegunaan otak kiri:     Left Brain Function:

* Kenal dan ingat wajah seseorang                               * Recognize and remember people’s faces

* Lebih gemari arahan penglihatan                                * Prefer visual instructions

* Memproses informasi secara berpola                        * Process information figuratively

* Menyelesaikan masalah secara intuisi                     Solve problems intuitively

* Baca untuk mendapatkan gambaran keseluruhan    * Read to get whole picture

* Gemar cerita-cerita fantasi                                         * Like fantasy stories

* Belajar melalui penjelajahan minda                          * Study through mind of explorer

* Gemarkan garis kasar dan bukan laporan ringkas     * Like rough lines and not short report

Kegunaan otak kanan:      Right Brain Function:

* Kenal dan ingat nama-nama                                       * Recognize and remember names

* Lebih gemari arahan lisan                                          * Prefer oral instructions

* Memproses informasi secara berurutan                    * Process information in sequence

* Menyelesaikan masalah secara logik                          * Solve problems logically

* Baca untuk mendapatkan butir-butir perinci            * Read to get detailed field

* Gemar cerita-cerita realistik                                       * Like realistic stories

* Belajar melalui rancangan yang sistematik               * Study through systematic plan

* Gemarkan garis kasar dan bukan laporan ringkas      * Like rough lines and not short report

Rajau Sepanjang Jalan by Shahnon Ahmad

17 07 2008

Semasa saya membaca teks yang pendek dari buku ini, saya belajar beberapa perkataan baru (beberapa sudah mengajar di dalam kuliah) dan akan mencuba membuat ayat saya sendiri dengan perkataan itu: 

While I was reading this short text from the book, I learnt a few new words (some of them have been taught in lecture) and shall try to form my own sentences with them:


MENYALA (=membakar) To ignite, to flare up 

Dia menyala mancis itu mencalarkannya ia dari bawah kasut.   He ignited the matchstick by scratching it against the bottom of his shoe.

BERALIH (=bertukar) Shift, change, move 

Bapa saya suka beralih perabot di dalam rumah saya setiap enam bulan.   My father likes to shift the furniture in my house every 6 months.

BERDEBU (=menjadi kotor) Dusty

Keretanya berdebu kerana dia belum mencuci ia untuk masa yang lama.   His car is dusty because he has not cleaned it for a long time.

BERSUNGGUH-SUNGGUH (=sepenuh hati) Enthusiastic, whole-hearted

Dia gemar menyanyi dan bersungguh-sungguh mahu pergi ke konsert koir nanti.   She likes singing and is enthusiastic about going to the choir concert later.

BERKURANG (=turun) Diminish, decrease

Air batu berkurangan di Kutub Selatan sedang berkurang sebab pemanasan global.   The icebergs in the South Pole are diminishing due to global warming.

BERLEBIH (=naik) More

Bekalan tanaman ada berkurangan menyebabkan harga makanan bertambah dan lebih banyak orang akan berlapar.  There is a shortage in the crop supply so food prices around the world have increased and more people will go hungry.

DIHITUNG-HITUNG (=dikira-kira) Counted repeatedly

Duit syiling di dalam dompetnya dihitung-hitung kerana dia telah hilang satu dolar.   The coins in her purse were counted repeatedly because she had lost a dollar.

DISAPU (=membersihkan dengan penyapu) Swept

Sampah itu disapu ke dalam permaidani.   The rubbish was swept under the carpet.


10 07 2008

An article about the famous soccer player, Ronaldinho, was given to us as a practice question during tutorial. We didn’t have time to get down to writing seriously, so I shall post my answer here: (terima kasih Cikgu Sew untuk menyemak kerja saya 😀 )


Tuliskan satu pandangan dalam empat ayat. Write a response in 4 sentences.
Anda mungkin sebagai peminat, pengurus, wartawan, ataupun ahli keluarga. You may be a fan, manager, reporter, or even his family members.
(Saya menulis dari pendapat wartawan… I am writing from a reporter’s viewpoint)
1. Kelab-kelab mengekalkan pemain yang sungguh cemerlang seperti Ronaldinho adalah susah.
   It is always difficult for clubs to keep outstanding players like Ronaldinho.
2. Walaupun Ronaldinho menafikan dia akan bertukar ke kelab lain sekarang, kontraknya dengan Barcelona akan tamat tempoh tidak lama lagi.
Although Ronaldinho currently denies any transfer to other clubs, his contract with Barcelona is expiring soon.
3. Kalau Barcelona mahu mengekalkan dia, mereka akan menaikkan gajinya .
If Barcelona wants to retain him, they will have to increase his pay.
4. Sementara itu, kita beralih perhatian ke peringkat dunia, Ronaldinho dijangka untuk membawa Brazil untuk memenangi emas di Sukan Olimpik Beijing 2008.  Meanwhile, shifting our attention to the world stage, Ronaldinho is expected to lead the Brazil team to gold at the Beijing Olympics 2008.

Papan Tanda Di Stesen MRT

8 07 2008

 A) Sila    beri peluang kepada penumpung untuk turun.

     Please give way       for       passengers  to      alight.

 B) Sila    berhati-hati        ruang di platform.

    Please pay attention (to) gap   in platform.

C) Harap jangan naik   semasa pintu sedang tutup.

    Please do not board when    doors are closing.

Pintu Keluar         Kecemasan  terletak di kedua hujung keretapi.

Door Out (= Exit)  Emergency  located at  both   ends    (of) train.

A) Butang Perhubangan Kecemasan

    Button Communication Emergency

B) Untuk Kegunaan  Kecemasan Sahaja

   For     Use           Emergency  Only

   Tekan Butang Untuk Memanggil Pemandu Keretapi.

   Press  Button  to      Call           Operator Train.

   Cakap Menerusi Mikrofon     di atas            Butang.

   Talk  through    Microphone located above   the Button.

C) Denda kerana   Salah  Guna: $5000
    Fine    due to   Wrong Use: $5000

A) Jika Anda           Kecemasan

    If    You (are in) Emergency

   Tekan Pelocok untuk menghentikan keretapi yang sedang menuju ke arah platform atau meninggalkan platform.

   Push Plunger   to     stop     train    approaching (arah = direction)             or leaving the platform

    Pusat   Perkhidmatan Penumpung akan    diberitahu.

    Centre Service           Passenger   will be alerted.

    Kakitangan stesen akan datang ke sini sebentar   lagi.

    Staff          station will  come       here a moment more = shortly.

B) Penyalahguna akan    didenda

    Misuse          will be punished

Other warning signs

Jangan Berdiri Dekat Pintu

Do not Stand Near    Door

Awas! Untuk keselamatan anda, harap   JANGAN letak tangan anda pada pintu sorong

Caution! For Safety            your,  please DO NOT put   hand     your on     Door Sliding

And guess who’s this? (no prizes for guessing, haha)

Menelefon 999 segera jika anda melihat dia.

Saya menonton program Televisyen: CEF JR

7 07 2008

I never thought I’d be so excited watching Suria (whahaha), but I decided to switch on the TV (in part trying to catch Puan Zahara in the Drink-Driving ad, which I did see but it totally just passed me by before I realised I was watching the ad, urgh. All I caught was the chinese words at the end of the ad -_-“) and see if I could understand what they were saying on TV.

I caught a few words here and there:


Anugerah band (RABU, 9 Julai, 8.30mlm) (WED, 9 July, 8.30pm)

Pentas fantasi berjadi realiti” stage? fantasy becomes reality”

Siara Langsung! Live telecast!

Peringkat Akhir (Peringkat = stage; Akhir = last >> the finals)


I was beginning to despair coz I could hardly understand what I was watching, haha, but lo and behold, (thank God!) this kids’ cooking show called “Cef Jr” came on! No, please do not be mistaken that I like to watch kiddy shows, but more importantly, this show came with INGGERIS SUBTITLES!!! And a plus point is that the kids conversed in simple Malay so I had an easier time understanding them. Who would have ever thought that one day I’ll be learning from kids? hahaha, ok, they are not to be undermined, there is a lot to learn from children!


setiap Isnin, 7.30mlm

Cef Jr: setiap Isnin, 7.30mlm

Cooking shows are one of those shows that will always get me interested, coz even when the presenter isn’t entertaining or when all else fails, food will never fail me! Haha, foodie speaking 😀 Not just that but saya juga sangat suka masak!

Jaga Kerbersihan Take care of cleanliness

Minta Orang Dewasa Ask (request for help from) an Adult

Pisau bukan mainan knife is not (a) toy or (the) knife is real


Bahan-bahan   Ingredients

Garam = salt

Ladar (hitam) = pepper

Kentang = potato

Serbuk roti = Bread crumbs

Telur = egg

Cara cara   Method

Kacau/Gaul = mix

Kecuali = except

Masukkan = add in

Sedia = ready

Hidang = serve on a plate

Ringkasan   Summary




Episod depan akan episod terakhir, jadi jangan sudah lepas ia! The next episode will be the last episode, so don’t miss it!

Thousands gather at fuel price rally

7 07 2008

In light of the political bickering that’s going on in the land of our Malay neighbours, especially with the fresh sodomy allegations thrown at Datuk Seri Anwar, I feel for the people coz life is getting harder for them yet there’s so much strife in the government. But anyway, being a politically apathetic & kiasi Singaporean (we should be politically correct all the time 😛 ), I shall not comment on such political issues, haha, and instead focus on my own learning of Malay.

Saya belajar sikit perkataan bahasa Melayu dari rencana Straits Times pada “tujuh” haribulan Julai “dua puluh sifar lapan”. (Isnin) I learnt a few Malay words from the Straits Times article on 7 July 2008 (Monday).

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Datuk Seri Anwar all fired up addressing the crowd at the rally

Reformasi – Reformation

Hidup Rakyat – Long live the people

Makkal SaktiPeople Power


Datuk Seri Anwar berkata: “Percayai saya, itu yang menuduh/tuduhan sepuluh tahun dahulu sekarang berulang dengan dengki dan fitnah, dan saya tidak akan menerima tetapi berjuang hingga ke berakhir.”

Datuk Seri Anwar said: “Believe me, that which was alleged 10 years ago is now repeated with malice and slander, and I will not accept but fight it to the end.”


DISCLAIMER This blog is not in any way a means to propagate any political message or ideal, and I am NOT showing support for any particular political figure. Purely for educational purposes ONLY.

(Photograph source: URL –

Chatting at work

4 07 2008

I was working at Delifrance today, and told my friend (colleague) that I was learning Malay. Bad move, coz she started talking to me in Malay and I could hardly give a reply, haha! 

Saya bekerja di Delifrance pada hari ini, dan beritahu kawan (rakan) saya yang saya belajar bahasa Melayu. Itu sekesilapan, kerana dia bercakap dengan saya dalam bahasa Melayu, dan saya tidak boleh jawab, haha!


UMA (rakan saya): Awak makan apa?

ME: Er… (Saya makan) ‘cinnamon croissant’.     (words in bracket are what i was supposed to say but didn’t 😛 Was trying to understand what she said coz she said it quite fast)

UMA: Satu sahaja?

ME: One what?? What is sahaja? (I hope I got the correct word)

UMA: Sahaja is only. I meant ‘one only?’

ME: Ohhh… yeah, i have enough time to eat just one.


Ok, the conversation ends here, for the record it was very SHORT lest my manager stumbles upon this blog and thinks that I spend too much of my time talking to my colleague, lol.